Immunity Cocktail
Feeling run down? Traveling for work or leisure? Just need a boost before a big event, work deadline or the holidays? This drip is a great choice. Our modern diet is often deficient in essential nutrients and minerals that support our immune systems. IV therapy is an efficient way to deliver immune supporting nutrition to our cells. This powerful combination of antioxidants and hydration will keep your immune system primed and ready for all of life’s stressors. Our formula has extra Vitamin C which has been shown in over 100 animal studies to prevent or alleviate many types of bacterial and viral infections.
Immunity Cocktail Summary
Indications: Autoimmune Disorders, Post Viral Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue, Recent Travel, Planned Travel, Fibromyalgia
Ingredients: Magnesium, Calcium, B12, B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) Vitamin C and Zinc, 1 liter of saline
Price: $135
Additional Options: Vitamin D, Glutathione