Metabolic Boost Cocktail
As we age, our metabolism slows. Some data suggests that it may decline as much as 2-4% each year after our 25th birthday. Sedentary jobs and ultra processed foods also play a role in metabolic health. All of the sudden it’s harder than ever to maintain your weight or you find that you’re carrying extra pounds that are hard to lose. That’s where the amazing four step Metabolic Boost IV Cocktail can provide a jumpstart or be a valuable tool for weight loss efforts. The unique combination of IV and IM B Vitamins provide an extra energy boost and combat brain fog. Magnesium is a vital nutrient in many of our cellular processes and is often lacking in a typical Western diet. Recent data on Zinc indicates that it improves weight loss and decreases diabetes in those actively trying to lose weight. Along with many other amazing ingredients, the star of this cocktail may be the extra bag of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) to finish off the IV portion of the Cocktail. ALA can reduce sugar and insulin levels and help the liver function better to improve metabolism.
Metabolic Boost Cocktail Summary
Indications: Weight loss, PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Pre-diabetes, Thyroid Dysfunction, Menopause, Male Menopause, Obesity.
Ingredients: Magnesium, Zinc, B Complex, Vitamin C, and Alpha Lipoic Acid. Include with a Glutathione push and a Lipo C injection
Price: $175
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